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New York Institute of Technology

Off-campus Housing Near New York Institute Of Technology

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Off-Campus Living Near New York Institute of Technology

NYIT - Manhattan means location, location. Being centrally located within walking distance of Columbus Circle and Central Park, it is best accessed by its extensive public transportation including subways, trains, and buses. If quiet relaxation or recreation in the park is not what you are looking for, the finest concert halls, theaters, boutiques, museums, libraries and restaurants are all located nearby. New York is blessed with four seasons and with the Manhattan campus situated in a peaceful forest-like setting means that appropriate clothing is necessary for all the varieties of temperatures.

The most underrated neighborhood in New York is Prospect Heights, which resembles Paris in characteristics. People who live here operate on the pleasure principle, and it is not unusual to see 80 year-olds strolling the streets at 2 a.m. looking for an open coffee shop.